Custom Website Development - Next You Nutrition

Information of the Project


Next You Nutrition


Website construction

Date of

November 2020


Thessaloniki, Greece

The Challenge

Next You Nutrition, as a new business, did not have its own website before we started working together. Wanting to build a strong online presence and enhance its brand awareness, it turned to Webgrams.

Specifically, he asked us to create a website in Greek, which would present the services of the dietician’s office and allow visitors to book their appointment online. In addition, he asked for the creation of a blog section on the website, where he could publish articles on nutrition and health issues.

The Results

Using a headless architecture based on WordPress, we created a custom website in Greek.

We chose Headless WordPress CMS to ensure that we built a website with fast loading speed, easy management and great flexibility. Using the latest market technologies (React, Gatsby), we created a front-end system for a website with all the latest features, such as responsive design, offline navigation and excellent performance in Google’s Core Web Vitals. Finally, we optimized the website based on the best SEO practices in terms of its technical part and its texts.

Wanting to boost the organic traffic of the website, we optimized it to be more search engine friendly.

In addition, we provided copywriting services, writing some articles for the company’s blog.

Utilizing the most modern practices and tools, we achieved an increase in organic traffic to the point where it serves as the most important communication channel with potential customers.


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